GoogleAnalytics for Evolution

GoogleAnalytics for Evolution
Download GoogleAnalytics for Evolution

Adds a Google Analytics tag to every HTML page of your website. Support the new Universal Analytics code. Provides customisation of the analytics code and position inside your template.

Original developer Mark Kaplan (30-Jul-2006 )

  1. Create a new plugin, and paste the contents of this file into the Plugin Code area. Set the plugin name to "Google Analytics" and description to "1.7 Adds Google Analytics code to every page in your site"
  2. Copy this line into the Plugin Configuration of the Configuration tab:&account=Account;string;UA-000000-0 &testMode=Test Mode;list;true,false;false &trackingNameTV=Alt tracking URL TV name;string; &trackingNamePH=Alt tracking URL placeholder name;string;&extraJs=Chunk containing extra JS;string;
  3. Enter your Google Account details on the configuration tab
  4. Check the OnWebPagePrerender box on the System Events tab
  5. Press Save
  6. Ensure "Stats Tracking" is enabled in the Site Configuration menu (Tools -> Configuration -> [ Site ] tab )  ** IMPORTANT IF UPGRADING - THIS SETTING WAS NOT RESPECTED BEFORE **

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